Monday, March 1, 2010

The French Press

If you've never had coffee from a French Press you are missing out! The flavour of the coffee is so evident. You get to really enjoy the oils from the coffee beans.

A French press, also known as a press pot, coffee press, coffee plunger or сafetière à piston, is a simple coffee brewing device, probably invented in France in the 1850s, but first patented by Italian designer Attilio Calimani in 1929, who made subsequent design improvements over the years, and further refined by another Italian, Faliero Bondanini.[1]

You get a french press just about anywhere. They range in price from about $15 - $30. It's good to have at least one french press in the house. I like to have one at the office too. People gather around when I bring it out. Usually, I have to make a few pots because everyone really enjoys the great taste that you can get from a french press.

It's super easy to make coffee with a french press. The following (cheesy alert) video shows just how easy it is. But, you can also order a french press at your favorite coffee shop. It's much cheaper than ordering a late and you usually can get a few cups out of one french press.